Wednesday 14 March 2012

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

At the beginning of the project, the group and I constructed a questionnaire in order to find out what sort of horror film people felt most scared by/enjoyed with some inclusion of how people felt about horror trailers. We used the website survey monkey.
Here's a link:

From the questionnaire results we could see that the most popular genre of horror were psychological horrors. As a group, we wanted to create a trailer that was less gory and obvious and more psychological, so the fact that we could both answer to popular audience response as well as create something of desire was pleasing. We felt that religion as a central theme was creepy and all films based on a similar concept were successful, also it appealed to us because of its originality. In order to ensure that the trailer and therefore film wasn’t purely a psychological film like Inception for example, we had to have a plot that included conventional horror genre techniques, such as the use of binary oppositions with the little girl being bearer of a hidden evil. To amplify this and make it apparent, we decided it necessary to include some gore in the trailer, as in our own experience, images of cuts and blood within a trailer are often effective. With the fact that the majority of our questionnaire responses agreeing that the trailer was a key part of encouraging them to go and see the film, it was vital that our trailer was effective. When showed to the class it mostly was, our audience mostly agreed that the fast paced editing was good and that our use of gore was scary and realistic, and the most popular response was the agreement that our typewriter like inter-titles were professional and aesthetically pleasing somewhat.
The film below is a compilation of readings from actual responses from my class who watched our trailer and gave us feedback.

Although generally our response was pleasing, clearly many things could have been improved, and I think had we have been slightly more organised in the editing process of our film we could have acheived this, as many of the things said we felt we agreed with to some extent. For example, the music we had chosen in some places didn't seem to necessarily flow with what film was being shown, and I think this was due to the confusing process of trying to edit two scores of music together. This comment was mentioned numerous times, along with the comments about the somewhat unclear narrative of our trailer. Although I agree more concrete evidence could have been supplied in order to demonstrate the relationships in the trailer, some of our feedback also states that this led to a mysterious nature, leaving more to be learned from and therefore encouraging a desire to see the film. A popular improvement suggestion was that a need for a 'jumpy' shot could have helped make our trailer more scary, as although it was agreed our trailer was 'surreal' and 'eerie', it wasn't very frightening. This, combined with a 'slower ending' and a more fitting soundtrack could have made our trailer better.

1 comment:

  1. It's a little hard to hear what some of your friends are saying but it is a good idea to have your feedback read out. In this post you need to explain who your target audience is and how you gained your feedback. You also need to give a summary of the main points rather than leave it to the video. This summary should be divided into good and bad points related to the trailer as a piece of horror, and good and bad points related to the trailer as a piece of advertising. You should sum up with a detailed list of things you would like to improve. You need to lay it out in a more visual fashion than you have done and it would be useful to have some stills to illustrate particular point is that your audience liked or did not like.
